Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Dealing with a Potentially Ugly Divorce? Mediation Could Help

Have you hired or are you looking at hiring a divorce lawyer? Are you worried that the end of your marriage is going to take no prisoners and be a long and drawn-out fight? You might want to talk to a lawyer. Most will offer you a consultation to help you determine what your rights and responsibilities are.
Is Mediation an Option?
Court can be grueling. Mediation will allow you to avoid it. Mediation is something you might want to consider before having to spend a small fortune on court fees and you can hire professional mediation services to facilitate this process between you and your soon-to-be ex.
According to Divorce Mediation Philadelphia specialists at, going through mediation could be a good option if you’re both willing to be mature and sensible about the process.
Mediation involves detailing everything and coming to a conculsion that both parties agree to. When mediation doesn’t work, court ensues. If you can agree, you can avoid a lengthy and costly process.
Want more info about divorce mediation or want a free consultation with PA divorce lawyers? Contact Petrellli Law PC at:

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Cure Sexual Problems With Electronic Acupuncture

A healthy sex life is an important facet in many relationships and when one partner has a lethargic libido, embarrassment and even defensiveness can creep in. There can be a number of causes of sexual problems along with an equal amount of western medical treatments and drug options to help. However, if the cause is hard to pinpoint or you just want to try and resolve this dilemma on your own, consider electronic acupuncture.

How Electronic Acupuncture Works

To understand electronic acupuncture and how it uses electromagnetic wave therapy, you should understand the basic concept of traditional acupuncture. The ancient Chinese perfected the technique of inserting fine, thin needles into specific acupuncture points along the body, also called acupoints, in order to relieve specific ailments.

The body consists of thousands of these acupoints and your life energy, known as chi or qi, flows through different pathways or meridians. When this life energy flows freely, you feel good. However, headaches, cramping or even sexual problems can disrupt the flow of qi, requiring the insertion of the acupuncture needles at specific corresponding points on the body to release the energy blockage.

The same principle works with electronic acupuncture, only instead of using needles throughout your body on different acupoints, a device transmitting electronmagnetic impulses are directed to specific points in your hand. The hand has dozens of these acupuncture points which have ties to all the major organs of your body as well as many different body functions. By using an electronic acupuncture device that uses magnetic wave therapy, you can direct the electromagnetic wave impulses directly to a specific acupoint, using variable wavelengths. The purpose is to unblock the meridians of your body that may be experiencing energy blockage causing your particular ailment.

Improving your Sex Life with Electromagnetic Waves

To pinpoint the acupoints in your hand that can help you alleviate your current sexual dysfunction, you must first have a general understanding of the cause. There are a variety of reasons why you may be experiencing sexual problems. Women experience a sluggish libido during the later stages of pregnancy, while breastfeeding and even a few months after birth due to hormones. Of course, infertility, menopause and other hormonal imbalances can contribute. In men, lack of a healthy libido could be due to stress, prostate problems or other physical ailments.

If you have a basic idea of the cause of your sexual problem, you can refer to an acupoint map of your hand and stimulate those specific corresponding areas to break up any blockages of your qi. When you are still in a bit of a quandary as to the cause, you can use an electronic acupuncture device to diagnose your condition and find the blockages of qi for you. Using electronic acupuncture can help you achieve some stability in the bedroom in just a few minutes without the use of needles. You don't have to worry about potential side effects, unlike traditional western medicine.

Understand electronic acupuncture better by reading the Aculife Book, which explores using the amazing electronic acupuncture device for health and wellness. Unblock meridians to improve sexual performance and enjoyment with Aculife as well.

Article Source:

Thursday, June 10, 2010

A Look at Relationship Mediation – For When You Just Can’t Work it Out

The Relationship Rescue blog is about doing your best to stay together forever but sometimes, that’s just not realistic and not meant to be. When we’re in love it feels like nothing will tear us apart but things can change either for one or for both people in a relationship and sometimes that relationship is no longer viable.
If counselling didn’t help (or one of you refused it) and time apart didn’t bring you closer together and one or both of you have now come to the conclusion that there is nothing left to do but part ways, this can be a tough process. It’s especially tough if there are serious problems communicating with one another and issues have got to be addressed. If there are assets, financial obligations, and/or children involved, things need to be dealt with and you may benefit from getting help addressing and resolving these issues. If you’re in FL, NJ, DE, our PA divorce mediation services are available to help with your divorce issues, including:

  • Divorce mediation
  • Child Support
  • Financial responsibilities
  • Co-Parenting mediation
  • And other issues.
Sometimes the communications are too painful for one or both of you. Sometimes the yelling and screaming means that nothing really gets resolved. Sometimes a mediator can help bring quick resolution when talking is too difficult or just not possible.
Relationship or Divorce Mediation Services
There are several styles of divorce mediation services that can help you and your former partner communicate so that issues can get resolved. Those issues could relate to: division of property and finances, responsibility of debts, custody of children, even the custody of joint ownership pets. Breaking up can be ugly and mediation services can make the process easier. It may require a session or two or may be a service you utilize as needed, especially if you and your former mate share an ongoing bond due to children and need help coming to agreements on an ongoing basis.
A mediator isn’t there to determine who’s at fault in a dispute. But a skilled relationship mediator has the negotiation skills to cut through the anger and the frustration and help you both come to an agreement that allows everyone to move forward. There may be things that you and your former partner are at a stalemate on and a professional mediator can help you resolve those issues, saving both of you frustration and helping you to begin to heal from the pain of your breakup.
For more info and helpful resources, visit: PA Divorce Mediators.