Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Is Your Relationship Worth Saving?

Is your relationship worth saving? Relationships are hard. Some days it's really hard and feels like too much work. But, in terms of serious relationships or marriages, too many couples have a 'starter' marriage and figure if things don't work out, they'll just get a divorce and start over.

Separation isn't always the answer...

Divorce rates are skyrocketing; especially with the current state of the world with financial pressures. Staying together for your golden wedding anniversary or even your silver one is a real feat today. What about you?

Are you in it for the long haul?

Marriages have peaks and valleys and couples are tested on a regular basis for their honesty, their love and their devotion. A lot of ingredients make a successful marriage recipe and both people need to be willing to work on the marriage in order for it to last.

Are you a mender or a pot stirrer? It's rough when a couple isn't in sync and at least one of you has to realize it and work to help things move in the right direction. We all have periods where we feel less than connected but if it goes on too long, reconnection becomes difficult.

Separation and divorce are not inevitable if you're feeling today like you can't fight any more.

Here are some helpful relationship rescue tips to help today:

  1. Get out of the house for a while: together. New scenery can help change perspective. Go for lunch, go for a walk..do something together away from the house. If you have kids, get a sitter.
  2. Write your spouse a love letter. Even if it's short and sweet write them a nice note and leave it where they'll find it. Sometimes a small gesture like this can help you reconnect
  3. Be grateful. It's easy to point out flaws in your relationship but consider all the positive things you have going for you right now. Being grateful can really put things into perspective.
It takes a long time to build a solid relationship and sadly it can take an instant to throw it all away. Before you throw in the towel, take a long look and make a real effort.

Want some more help NOW? Satisfaction Guaranteed Relationship Rescue Guide

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