Thursday, October 16, 2008

Light Some Love Sparks Tonight!

If you want to see some romance sparks tonight, here are a few things you can do to create a great mood and set the stage for some magic!

  • Wear a bit of a musky scent. Musk colognes can release endorphins and are kinda like Love Potion No. 9!
  • Have something sensual for dinner. Vegetables like carrots, avocado and asparagus can have aphrodisiac properties and foods like chocolate and berries are extremely sensual so don't hesitate to feed your significant other some chocolate covered strawberries after dessert
  • Romantic music and lighting will set the tone
  • Get rid of distractions (get a baby sitter/turn the cell phones off, etc.)

Vital Romance Tips:

  1. Don't plan a romantic night on a day when you know your lover has a hobby or sports event on the boob tube or when you know there's alot of stress on their plate.
  2. Bad sex radar? If you are putting out all the signals and they don't pick up on your cues easily, don't give up before whispering something sexy and an that's an obvious proposition in their ear.

Read the downloadable book: 500 Lovemaking Tips and Secrets.

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