Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Don't Take Your Valentine For Granted!

Have you asked your spouse or significant other to be your Valentine? Even if you've been together for years, go ahead and ask him or her. Watch them smile. Don't take them for granted! By asking, you're asking for permission to reignite some sparks and usually, you'll get very positive reception! (If not, you might need some help making up. Check out this guide to making up) You have to keep the love alive in your relationship, even if you've passed your silver wedding anniversary!

Why not buy a package of Valentines (like the packs they sell to kids for their classrooms)and fill out every Valentine for your sweetie and hide them throughout the house? Don't forget a special message.

It can be

or all of the above!

Writing a love letter can also work wonders for your relationship whether you're male or female. Whether you're reading this just before Valentine's Day or some other time of the year, take the time to show your sweetheart how much you care. Re-connecting could be filled with some lava hot sparks!

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